Virtual Reality Allows Man To Go Skiing For The First Time In 32 Years. His reaction is really moving

Let’s not lie to ourselves, Virtual Reality (vr) is exciting and the moment you place the goggles on to your head you get transported to a new dimension.

For me, this is something I do for leisure but I never took into account other people and how they viewed it until now. The power of VR really comes through in the video below.

Gadda who suffers from cerebral palsy hasn’t hit up the slopes in over 30 years. What he considered fun back when he was 15 now was physically impossible for him to do.

But in today’s day and age, his condition doesn’t necessarily have to prevent him from letting his mind escape into a different reality.

By putting on the goggles he was able to not only skii but go to the burning man festival and immerse himself in experience.

Vr helps man skii again after 32 yearsThis made me think of all other possible ways this technology can be used.

Obviously for disabled people, but also for elderly who are in retirement homes, or are confined to beds.

It could be used in classrooms for new ways to teach children so that they can interact with their surroundings.

I mean the possibilities are endless and best of all as time progresses the experiences will be even more realistic.


What are your thoughts on VR? Have you had the opportunity to use them in the past? What was your experience like? comment below and also make sure to share this page with other.

Virtual Reality Allows Man To Go Skiing For The First Time In 32 Years. His reaction is really moving


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