Winter facts that will blow your mind
Snow is great but knowing crazy awesome winter facts makes the season even better. Specially if you get to blow your friends minds away with red hot facts
Check out this cool (pun intended) set of winter facts and enjoy this time of year even more.
Winter Facts to get you heaps excited
The snowiest city on earth is in…. Japan
Aomori City in northern Japan receives approximately 312 inches or 26 feet of snow each year.
Some also say that the snow in Japan is the best in the world, known for its fluffiness and obviously huge amounts.
If you had that much snowfall what would you build?
Ingenious ways to rid the snow
So we spoke of Aomori city having the most snow in the world, but what happens when a place like that has too much and has to think of ways to rid the snow.
One way is to dump it in parking lots and open fields and let nature run its course, melting it as the temperatures rise.
Another is dumping it into the ocean.
Probably not the best thing to do as it could have some complications with marine life and so on.
but besides those two, there is also a huge, diesel-guzzling kettle on wheels that spills hot water on the snow and melts it right in front of your eyes. Pretty cool in my opinion.
Salt anyone?
The US alone uses 22 million tons of salt during winter on the roads to make them safer for people to drive on.
I got the need for speed
Snowflakes fall at a speed of 1 to 6 feet per second.
So its very dependent on the shape of the snowflake, big pieces are more likely to float then small pellet shaped ones which plummet down to earth fast.
Which brings me to a question, In a vacuum what will drop faster, a feather or a kilo of lead? Type your answer in the comments below
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Do you want to build a snowman?
The best time to build a snowman, igloo, or just have a plain old snowball fight is when you have a wetter type of snow.
Something you probably knew before but did you know the perfect ratio is 5 parts water to 1 part snow. Yep, kinda accurate.
If you are planning on spending a long time outdoors building an igloo or just having a plain snowball fight, check out these articles on how to get plenty of energy and stay warm outside.
7 High energy foods to keep you warm
Work on your winter tan
So as weird as it may seem, during winter or the 3rd of January, planet earth is closest to the sun. Which in turn confirms that the earth is flat… Not
Yep, in fact, we are approximately 3.1 million miles closer to the sun than on July the 5th which is the time we are the furthest away.
If you don’t see it, you tend to enjoy it more, right?
And that brings my winter facts to an end. So if you found them insightful and fun, make sure to share, pin and like this post and leave your comments with Winter Facts below.
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Winter facts that will blow your mind
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