Love the Outdoors enough to Ink your Skin?

I’m a huge fan of the outdoors, in fact I could happily live in the outdoors day and night. I am also a big fan of tattoo’s. At the moment I only have one and it really isn’t anything to show off, but after seeing a few of these amazing tattoo’s combining the 2 things I love I might even consider getting another one.

What better way to show off the things that make you whole then by immortalizing it on your skin. Do you have a tattoo which incorporates your passion for outdoors on it?

Check out these beauties below

Camping Tattoo by Alisha Rice

Camping Tattoo by Alisha Rice

Camping Tattoo by 13inktattoo

Camping Tattoo by 13inktattoo

Camping Tattoo by @manusiniestro

Camping Tattoo by @manusiniestro

Camping Lantern Tattoo by Brandon Huckabey

Camping Lantern Tattoo by Brandon Huckabey

Camping Globe Tattoo by Dominik Dagger

Camping Globe Tattoo by Dominik Dagger

Campfire Tattoo by Cam Medford

Campfire Tattoo by Cam Medford

For more amazing Camping Tattoo’s check out tattoodo

If you have Camping Tattoo’s that you would like to share as well, post them in the comment’s section below and as always don’t forget to like and share this post.



Love the Outdoors enough to Ink your Skin?


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