13 Camping Hacks that will forever change the way you camp
Camping can easily be one of the most enjoyable activities out in the bush. Sitting around a fire, hanging with a few mates, drinking beers, showing of your best gear.
Needless to say at times it can also be a huge pain in the ass. That is why I compiled this awesome list of absolutely genius camping hacks which can make your next trip go from good to unforgettable. Check them out below:
Camping Hacks to make your next camping trip amazing
1. Create your own Lantern
Pick up any see-through liquid container (empty or full of liquid), strap your head torch or phone to it, light it up on and voila, you have just created a lantern which will scatter light throughout your campsite. Colourful containers can also be used. They will give your campsite and interesting mood.
Source: Rachael Moore
2. DIY tick repellent
Nothing more annoying than returning back to your campsite to find that you are covered in these nasty little insects. Luckily for you, a simple mixture of 1 parts tea tree oil to 2 parts water should help keep the ticks away.
Source: John Tann
3. Take Duct tape with you
enough of this will fix almost anything and patch the rest. I always have enough of this to do a couple light repairs if a strap breaks or something goes wrong.
4. Use Tic Tac boxes to store your food spices
Due to them being see-through, sturdy, lightweight and reusable they are extremely versatile for camping. You can easily store your spices, medication even a mini sewing kit. Plus your breath will smell minty fresh for when you take out your lady into the wild.

Source: Seattle Sundries
5. Cut up straws and use them as single-use packets
Simply cut up a straw, fill it up with antibiotics, toothpaste or any other substances you need and seal the ends with a lighter and a squeeze. This will make it super easy to help you ration your supplies.
Source: Brian Green
6. Estimate how much time you have before sunset
A simple technique to determine an approximate amount of sunlight before nightfall is in the palm of your hands. When you outstretch your arm, close your fingers and place it between the sun and the horizon it will give you a simple estimate. Each finger being 15 min. This is perfect because it helps you determine if you have enough time to set up camp in the daylight or if you will require to get the camp lantern out.

Source: Milos Golubovic
7. Waxed cardboard fire starters (waxxy)
There are many types of fire starters available, but if you are looking for a free, lightweight, and slow-burning fire starter you can’t go past the Waxed cardboard. Cut up a waxed cardboard into strips and pack in a waterproof container. When its time to use it, just light it up and it should give you enough fuel to get your fire going.
Source: Brigat
8. Para-chord
A rope is by far the most versatile camping tool out there. Using rope you can create other tools, erect a shelter, build traps… The list goes on and on. Para-chord is a rope, just thin, lightweight and super strong. You could easily carry 10m and barely even notice it in your backpack.
Source: Incrediblethots
9. Lable tent pole connections
Putting together a tent can be a daunting task at times, but you can make it a little bit easier but labelling the tent pole connections with a matching numeral or coloured tape/marker.

10. Burn leftovers
It might seem kind of obvious, but once you are done with your food and the fire is still red hot, throw those leftovers on the fire to dispose of them. It will save you having to carry around any waste. But make sure to take with you things that don’t burn completely, such as bones.
11. Take Umbrella’s
Yes, they can take up room in your bag and add weight, but they are actually very useful, not just in the rain. You can use an umbrella during the super hot days to protect yourself from the sun. Also, you can set your tent up out of the rain thanks to an umbrella. Definitely, consider grabbing one with you next time you go camping or hiking
12. Dig yourself a bed
If you are considering sleeping on the ground, make sure to dig out small depressions in the ground for your shoulder and hips to allow for more comfort. Additionally, you can dig a little bit extra and fill the depressions with leaves and grass to soften the ground.

13. Eat before you sleep
In most cases, I stay away from food before sleep as it makes for a better nights rest, but on cold nights it is a good idea to sometimes snack on something to keep the metabolism working and keep yourself warm. A simple snack will do the trick. Additionally, drink water as you might be dehydrated and your body doesn’t run as efficiently if it’s dehydrated.
Not enough Camping Hacks? Check out these links to find out more hacks that will make your next camping experience amazing
7 Fire starters that will turn you into a fire god
Simple Bushcraft tips to turn you into a Survival Expert
If you have any other camping hacks make sure to pop them down in the comments below and as always, share this article with others on Facebook and Twitter
Featured Image Source: Source: Amalakar
13 Camping Hacks that will forever change the way you camp
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