Laundry Day Festival - Belgium
After a day of absolute chill in Amsterdam I thought it would be a great idea to get back into my crazy side by heading over to Belgium where the Laundry Day festival was taking place in Antwerp.
I woke up super early and found myself on a train which got delayed multiple times due to some malfunction with the doors. It was all good, after all who ever goes to a festival first thing in the morning. Definitely not me.
When I arrived in Antwerp I caught a taxi to the hotel my sister and her partner were staying at. I got to catch up with my sister 2 days in a row which I find to be awesome as I miss her a lot seeing as she now resides on the other side of the planet. We hiked around the beautiful town of Antwerp in search of a train to where we were going to attend the Festival and believe it or not this train malfunctioned as well.
Sorelle and I decided to drop the idea of public transport and we walked the final 15min. Once we got to our destination I felt super good as for the first time in my life I was able to get backstage at a festival.
We Partied Like it was 2016 Click To Tweet
I love the feeling of going backstage, there is free beer and food everywhere 🙂 so good. The idea of being backstage also brought out the inner adventurer in me. I made it my goal to enter every backstage area there was at the festival. The wrist bands we got were only entry level backstage so heaps of places were off limits to us. But that was not going to stop me.
We cruised around in the scorching days heat drinking beer to our hearts content and I quickly learnt Sorelle is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. In saying that it also increased our knowledge of all types of dance moves which you can only unlock when you are drunk.
We partied like it was 2016 and had the greatest time, I managed to get into the most exclusive of exclusive backstage places and pinch a bottle of triple distilled water, which was a nice treat. On my second approach to grab some bubblies I got chased out with Leon by one of the most territorial Bodyguards in history.
The night concluded with me sneaking backstage to watch Netsky absolutely raise the roof on his set. Watching the crowd from the stage is probably one of the most thrilling things I have done in a long time and made me want to become a performer just for that reason.
After the festival we returned to the hotel and with the idea of having only a few hours sleep so that I could catch a train back to Amsterdam I closed my eyes hoping to get the most out of my nights rest.
Well that was my day in Belgium, if you liked this post like, comment and share or follow me on Facebook to get more updates about my travels and other juicy stuff.
Laundry Day Festival - Belgium
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