Amsterdam - Weedy, Truffly, Sexy
After beginning my trip in Zurich and having an amazing time there I almost instantly found myself on a plane out of there towards Amsterdam where I was going to meet up with my family.
I arrived late into Amsterdam and I made the mistake of leaving my booking to last minute. Which actually turns out I do that all the time. By doing so the price of hotels and hostels pretty much doubles. Which in turn means less spending money.
Seriously no.1 tip to save money.
Don"t wait last minute to book Click To Tweet
That goes for flights, accommodation and tours. The longer you wait the more likely you are going to be paying through the roof. But lets not focus on that, back to Amsterdam.
As soon as I arrived at the hostel I went to bed. I was wrecked from a huge day in Switzerland.
And next morning I already had plans to get some sweet sweet magical erb’s into me so I wanted to be well rested.
Next morning I woke up quite early and left the hostel in search of coffee places where I was going to taste the greenest of green grasses. The saying is the grass is always greener on the other side… well Amsterdam is the other side.Holy shit I turned up at a small coffee shop and was overwhelmed by the choices.
I started with just a bit and nothing to seriously strong as I haven’t really experimented that much with weed in the past and after rolling a joint (100% weed, I hate tobacco + yes it looks like shit) I was off on my merry way to find some walking tours around this beautiful town.
Needles to say I found one in the center, joined it and found myself walking around lightheaded as if I was floating like a balloon. So good. Learnt a fair bit during the tour as well… But I kinda also forgot it.
A few hours of this and next minute I’m hanging with my mum, step dad and Sorelle.
Play it cool was all I could think of and in all honesty pretty sure it worked. We walked around ate some lunch and found ourselves saying bye to Sorelle who was heading to Belgium for a music festival.
After wards my parents and I caught a boat on the canals of Amsterdam and in my opinion I can’t imagine doing anything more boring. Some love it, but being stonned and moving at a blistering pace of 5km/hr I barely handled it.
After the ride I said bye to my parents and headed to bed as next morning I was also on the way to Belgium to catch up once again with Sorelle and her partner Leon for the first time.
In the next Post I get to Belgium, catch up with my sister and Leon and dance like its 2016…
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