Wednesday, June 10, 2015

7 Fire Starters that will make you a Fire God at your next Camp

fire startersSource: meghla_akashe_pori_:)

Nothing better than arriving at your camp, setting up and finishing off the day with a roaring hot fire complimented by marshmallows and beers. Unfortunately sometimes it can get really difficult to light a fire because the wood could be wet or there could also be a possibility that you are setting up a fire in the rain. For all those situations its good to have a back up plan in the form of Fire Starters.

Check out the tips below and leave your suggestions in the comments below:

1. Waxed Cardboard (waxxy)

My favorite type of fire starter would have to be a waxed cardboard box or at least small strips of it. Its lightweight, burns really well, takes up no space and can be thrown into your bag just as it is. Best of all you can find them everywhere and can pick one up for free.

Waxed Carboard BoxSource:Brigat

2. Vaseline covered cotton balls

A simple yet effective way to get a fire started is to grab a few 100% cotton balls, and soak them in Vaseline. An easy way to achieve this is to warm up the Vaseline and pour it over the cotton balls. Wrap them up in a bag afterwards to make sure they don’t smear your pack.
cotton balls covered in Vaseline

3.  Lint From your Dryer

If you have a dryer at home then you are set with yet another great fire starter. Lint is super dry, lightweight and burns like crazy. Best of all its nice and easy and free with every couple dry loads of clothing.


Source: Green Living Ideas

4. Coal wrapped up in Egg Cartons

Coal is not really a fire starter, but if you do light it up then it becomes quite difficult to put out. By wrapping it up with a egg carton you have the initial fuel (cardboard) to get it burning.


Source: Knowledge weighs nothing

5. Pine cones covered in Wax

If you go into a forest you are most likely going to come across a pine cone sooner or later. They burn fairly well on their own but once you cover it with some wax you can get it burning for a fairly long time. If you can pick up some pine needles as well. They not only burn easily but give of a nice aroma.

Pine cones Covered in wax

6.Stuffed Toilet Paper Rolls

Next time you finish a roll of toilet paper grab the inner tube and fill it with some paper. It’s a nice and easy way to start a fire. As an additional tip you could also fill the tube with the fire starting gear. This could include a flint, matches, lighter, some Vaseline coated cotton balls. When you are ready to start the fire, you pull it out of your pack, look like a pro and start a roaring fire.

Toiler paper roll fire starter kit

7. Pencil Sharpener

Obviously this is not a fire starter but the reason why it is included in the list of top 7 fire starters is because by shaving some wood pieces from a stick they instantly become awesome kindling. Additionally the sharpener is lightweight, small, reusable and super cheap.

Pencil Sharpener shavings

With an arsenal of Fire Starters like this you will definitely be able to impress everyone at the camp site and enjoy a cold beer around a incredible fire that you started yourself.

7 Fire Starters that will make you a Fire God at your next Camp

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