Snowboarding Exercises to Increase your Skill
When you think of snowboarding you tend to not focus on exercises outside of the sport itself. But in all honesty, snowboarding exercises can be used by you to really improve and enhance your snowboarding ability.
Best of all, you can perform them in the comfort of your own living room during the summer so that when the snow arrives you are ready to shred the slopes.

Besides being a super fun sport and being able to look super cool in the latest gear, snowboarding requires quite some sort of stamina and fitness.
To most it might seem like just straight sliding down a hill like most of the snowboarding games would suggest, but for people who have tried it in the past and gave it some effort, it is very much known that it can actually be quite a physical sport.
450 calories per hour kind of a sport and because of that, it is important to work out prior to hitting the slopes to get the most out of the sport.
Check out the simple exercises below which you can incorporate into your daily routine and in no time you will notice the improvements.
The Plank
A pretty common exercise, and a pretty easy one to perform. If you’re not accustomed to it though, your abs will feel it the next day.
For those who don’t know, the plank is a position which you use your core muscles to hold for as long as possible.
To get into position, picture your setup for a pushup, but rather than placing your hands on the ground, place your elbows on the ground with your forearms lying flat in front of you. Use your core muscles to maintain a straight body position.
This is a terrific drill for the development of core stability and balance, which is vital for snowboarders of all levels, making this one of the better snowboarding exercises to do.
Walking Lunges
This one aims to strengthen your legs, which are also a relatively important piece of equipment in the arsenal of a snowboarder.
Take a long stride forward with one leg, and bend your back leg until the knee almost touches the ground.
Both knees should be at 90-degree angles at the conclusion of this movement, after which you use your quadriceps to push yourself back up, and repeat the same motion but with the opposite leg in front.
This will help to develop the legs in terms of both strengths, necessary for jumps and general movement, and stamina, necessary for repeat movements and longevity on the slopes.
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Bike Riding
This may not seem like a snowboarding exercise, but it’s probably one of the most useful exercises around for snowboarders.
Spending an extended period of time on the bike helps to develop your aerobic capacity, which you’ll need if you want to spend a long day on the slopes.
More importantly, it develops strength and stamina in your legs.
This will enable you to complete long, arduous runs without needing to break.
In terms of technique, bike riding shares very few similarities with snowboarding, but in terms of the muscle groups used it is very similar, making it a really useful exercise to complement your riding.

Finally, there needs to be some focus on the back muscles.
The back is often ignored, not just by snowboarders, but by people in general when trying to build muscle, largely because it’s not a ‘party muscle’.
That is, when you’re walking around in everyday life wearing a shirt, no one will even know that you work out, so what’s the point?
The point is that the back muscles are some of the biggest and most important in the body, and play a huge role in strength, stability, and balance – all pretty important aspects of snowboarding.
Many people don’t bother working on their fitness to benefit their snowboarding, and for casual riders, this isn’t a problem.
As long as you can still do what you want to do, who cares?
If you want to improve your skills though, undertaking these snowboarding exercises, all of which are relatively easy to do, can help enormously. Give them a try, and you’ll see the results.
What sort of snowboarding exercises do you have to perfect your skills? Let us know in the comments below and as always share this page on Facebook and Twitter.
Featured Image: Holmesplace
Snowboarding Exercises to Increase your Skill
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