Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Ultimate Super, Freaking Awesome Travel Hack - Flight Hack

You have $100 and need to get out and explore the world. Using this Travel Hack you can become a seasoned traveller in no time. Best of all, your friends and family will be begging you for the secret on how to do it.

Welcome to one of my favourite flight hacks. It is so good that I will call it the super, freaking awesome travel hack.

The reason why I love this hack is that I will travel to 5 countries by plane ending up in Morrocco for new years. All this for under $140. Now if the sound of that doesn’t excite you then I don’t know what will.

I Just learnt how to use the Ultimate Super Freaking Awesome Travel Hack and it really is Amazing #travel #travelhackClick to Tweet

This hack is so obvious that when you read about it you will literally kick yourself because it’s been there right under your fingers and you can do it today, tomorrow or whenever you need to just get out.

So let’s get into the super, freaking awesome travel hack:

First, of you will have to head over to one of my favourite websites, Most of you probably have used it already so it’s nothing special, But here is where it gets exciting.

Click on the One-way option, and type in your nearest airport. Select a date for your travel (could be tomorrow) and then leave your destination empty.Welcome to one of my favourite flight hacks. It is so good that I will call it the super, freaking awesome travel hack.

Now when you click the Search button it will come up with all the cheapest flights to anywhere from your destination on the dates you selected. Pretty neat right, but that is not even the cherry on top.

So once you select your first flight, then it’s time to select your second one. Type in the new city you will be flying from, select the dates and leave the destination open. It will come up with another set of cheap flights on the dates you selected from the city you will fly into.

Type in the new city you will be flying from, select the dates and leave the destination open. It will come up with another set of cheap flights on the dates you selected from the city you will fly into.

Are you starting to kind of understand where I’m going with this?

You can keep adding more and more super cheap one ways until you end up back where you started off from. This is unless you choose not to come back, considering how cheap it really is to fly around.

But seriously if you are flexible with your destinations and time, you literally can visit most of the world on pennies.

On the topic of pennies check out this other hack to save you cashola

The hack, not even travel agents know about

This has literally opened the world to me. I did so much travel because of this one hot hack and best of all the flights can end up being the most expensive part of your trip if you work in your accommodation the right way.

But we will leave that hack for another time as this super, freaking awesome travel hack will get your travel juices flowing already. Sometimes I find myself sitting at the laptop for hours creating itineraries that would blow most people’s minds away. And now you can do it too.

Just select the cheapest one-way flight, then find another super cheaps flight from your destination, and just keep adding more and more.

Have you tried this hack out before? Do you have tips of your own, or would like to share your next travel destination using this super, freaking awesome travel hack, Then comment below and as always make sure to share this with your friends and family on Facebook.

The Ultimate Super, Freaking Awesome Travel Hack - Flight Hack

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Kerið Crater

WHOA hey, ma’ it’s a hole in the ground… all jokes aside, Kerið is actually a very impressive crater and being on the road to Selfoss if you are heading there after a day of doing the Golden Circle it’s the perfect stop to wrap up your day.


Kerið Crater

Kerið is approximately 55 m (180 ft) deep, 170 m (560 ft) wide, and 270 m (890 ft) across with a strikingly vivid aquamarine lake at the bottom.

The lake isn’t very deep, approximately 7-14m deep depending on rain levels. It receives its colour from the minerals in the soil.

If you are interested in visiting the Kerið you will have to pay an admission fee of 400isk. This is used to look after the place and build paths. After certain times you can visit the crater for free as there is no one there to accept your admission fee.

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Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

Have you been to Kerið or are you planning on going? Let me know in the comments below. Also if you found this article helpful make sure to share it.

Kerið Crater

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Geysir Hot Springs

One of the only places on earth where thousands of people film 3 min of nothing to get 5 seconds of good footage. The one and only Geysir (I mean Strokkur) in Iceland. One of Iceland’s major attractions.

GeysirSo Iceland is known for its waterfalls. That’s correct, but it also is known for its water which defies gravity and shoots up into the heavens. Boiling water to add to that.

The Geysir is famous around the world, in fact, the word Geysir originates because of this Geysir in particular. With many tourist companies advertising to see the Geysir as part of the Golden Circle Tour most people would be hard-pressed to find out that they aren’t actually going to see the famous Geysir erupt.

This being because it only erupts around 3 times a day. On the other hand, most people will be pleasantly surprised to see Geysir’s little brother Strokkur do its thing on a regular basis. Strokkur


erupts approximately every 3-5 min around the clock. Shooting up into the air as high as 30 meters.

Strokkur erupts approximately every 3-5 min around the clock. Shooting up into the air as high as 30 meters.

In all honesty, though I never saw it shoot more than 10-15 meters high. But with that, it’s still impressive.

Geysir surroundings


The reason why Strokkur erupts when superheated groundwater, confined at depth, becomes hot enough to blast its way to the surface.


One of my favourite activities around Geysir is to Human watch. Reason being is that you will literally witness hundreds of people doing strange poses for minutes on end. At times they miss the Geysir and have to hold the position for another 3-5min

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The Geysir is also a great place to stop for lunch or fill up your car. It’s halfway on the Golden Circle tour and even though the food is ridiculously expensive it still is available.

Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

Have you been to the Geysir or plan to go there in the near future? Let me know in the comments below and if you found this article helpful make sure to share it.




Geysir Hot Springs

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Gullfoss the Golden Waterfalls of Iceland

Gullfoss, One of Iceland’s most popular Waterfalls. Smack bang right in the centre of the Golden Circle and only an hour and a half drive from Reykjavik. If you are planning on going to Iceland you have to see this waterfall.

Gullfoss the Golden Waterfalls of IcelandNow before I go on about Gullfoss I want to make it clear that this is not the biggest, nor the most powerful waterfall in Iceland, but what makes it unique is the Golden glow this waterfall gets during sunsets.

The colour of the water to start off isn’t the clearest but that is exactly what makes Gullfoss, Gullfoss. During the sunset, the light tends to provide the waterfall with a golden shine and in some cases a famous rainbow hovering the waterfall.

[bctt tweet=”The words Gullfoss actually mean Gold and waterfall which is very appropriate for Gullfoss due to its colour” username=”mendooutdoors”]

Now there are two stories which explain the name behind the waterfall, one of them is its colour. The second on the other, in my opinion, is exciting.

The story goes that back in the day, there was a very rich man. This man was extremely selfish and did not want to part with his possessions after he passed away.

So to make sure that no one was able to get a hold of his gold, he threw it all into the waterfall. After which it received its name.

Now I don’t recommend jumping in to find out if the story is true as there is a 21 m drop and a certain death awaiting anyone who decides to do so.Gullfoss the Golden Waterfalls of Iceland

The waterfall is 32m tall taking into consideration its 2 drops, it also has a very impressive 140 m3/s average flow (this is 140000L of water passing a spot every second)

Best time to see it is at sunset, as then you get the golden shine and in many cases the rainbow over the waterfall.

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Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

If you have been to Gullfoss and have pictures to share post them in the comments below. If you have any questions about Gullfoss also post them in the comments below and as always make sure to share this article with others.



Gullfoss the Golden Waterfalls of Iceland

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Þingvellir National Park

Ever hear of a place called Iceland? If yes then you probably also know about Þingvellir National Park. One of Iceland’s biggest attractions and there is a reason for it.

Þingvellir National Park

Þingvellir is a national park positioned smack bang next to one of the cleanest lakes I have personally ever seen. The water is crystal clear and in the distance, you can see mountains which

makes for some incredible photo opportunities.

Seeing as Iceland is known for being quite baren when it comes to trees, this place will give you a bit of a shock. The place is covered with foliage. In saying that it will make you understand the national joke.

[bctt tweet=”If you ever get lost in a forest in Iceland, Just stand up” username=”mendooutdoors”]

Þingvellir National Park

The trees are mostly head high which makes it possible to see far into the distance.

Þingvellir is famous for the snorkelling spot Silfra which is a rift formed in the divergent tectonic boundary between the North American and Eurasian plates.

Which means that with just one step you can be either on the European tectonic plate or the American one. Or if you decide to brave the freezing cold water you can snorkel right in between the two.

Þingvellir National Park

Þingvellir is also known for being Iceland’s Althing which is the national Parliament. Assemblies were held there from the 930 AD to

as recently as1798.

I heard from a local that back in time the assemblies were held next to the waterfall and if someone was being judged and found

guilty, then they would be punished by being drowned in the waters nearby. Obviously, they didn’t get drowned for everything. Just the major crimes.

Þingvellir is a paid attraction, as in you pay for parking and then you can leave your car and hike around. It’s beautiful and you could definitely spend an hour here, If you decide to snorkel, make sure to book ahead as it is quite a popular attraction.

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Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

Have you been to Þingvellir, or are you planning on going there? Let me know in the comments below and if you found this article helpful make sure to share it.


Þingvellir National Park

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Smoke on Water

So as you drive through Iceland you will come across many places that have steam rising above the ground. And to tell you the truth, this place isn’t much different. There’s hot water, there’s steam, the thing that set’s this place apart though is the surrounding. Which in my opinion is good enough to allow for a quick stopover.

Smoke on WaterWhat might seem like a fairly normal spot is actually really impressive, on one side of the road you have lava fields covered by moss, on the other a hot river which disappears underground.

In the background, you have a hot water plant, steam everywhere and mountains hugging the clouds.

The river itself isn’t anything special. in fact, if it didn’t have steam rising above it you probably would never even consider stopping along the road here.

But something I discovered here due to my curiosity is that right beside the pool of water is a small canyon.

Yes, there are many canyons in Iceland and compared to those ones this one can be quite boring, still, when walking along it you will be amazed by the incredible Flora inside.

I mean it’s a completely different ecosystem inside. This is due to the ground being warm enough all year round to allow fo

r plants like ferns and different types of moss to thrive in here.

Additionally, there are a few caves in the distance and a few hikes, but I wasn’t curious enough to do those.

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Smoke on Water

Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

If you find Smoke on Water, and take some more incredible pictures of the canyon, make sure to put them in the comments below. Also make sure to Share this post so others can enjoy this spot.

Smoke on Water

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Echo Point

This place took me by surprise, I stopped here for the view but stayed here for the Echo.

The way I found out about this place was when I came here I heard a sheep in the distance and me being me, I decided to make some wild noises. After that, I realised what a magical place this really is and have taken many friends here to enjoy the incredible echo that this place creates.

Echo PointOh lets also not forget about the incredible views that this place has.

Situated above Pingvallatan lake halfway up a cliff. In the distance, you can see little rock Iceland that during cloudy weather seem like they are floating above the surface of the lake. Perfect spot for a drone.

You will know when you are at the right place when you see a cattle grid across the road.

Pull up and enjoy the view and make as much noise as possible. Seriously though the echo is incredible and one of my favourite spots on Konrad’s Golden Circle

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Make sure to check out other Golden Circle Attractions:

Church on the Lake (Úlfljótsvatnskirkja)
Little Canada
Smoke on water
Echo Point

If you enjoy this spot make sure to comment below and share this post with others.

Echo Point